I’d like to think blogging is useless. But it’s here and, as much as I’d like, I can’t convince myself it will go away anytime soon.
Even my computer can’t believe it. If you could see the word document this blog was originally conceived on, you’d see the red squiggly error lines under every form and tense of the word “blog.”
As much as I want to tell my computer it’s right, that this whole issue of blogging is just one big typo on the manuscript of human achievement, blogs have made their way over the legitimate domain of human reason.
It’s not that most people are particularly stupid, it’s just that when they’re given the mask of anonymity they are free to say stupid things. Give a guy a domain name and a pseudonym and he’ll try and convince you that Obama actually is a terrorist who has been using the internet porn industry to create revenue to perpetuate the war against the infidels, and in effect, all this will make you angry enough to spout off your own little blog that shuns the President/Terrorist/Porn connection. Before you know it, POW!, you’re just as annoyingly opinionated as the guy you only wanted to disprove in the first place.
It just feels like everyone’s bickering too much about everything. Let us all stop and think—deeply for once—instead of whimsically. As it stands, I feel like I’m standing on a crowded soapbox, amidst millions of half-informed bloggers, typing at the top of their lungs even though they really have nothing worth saying at all. And somehow, in submitting to all of this, I’d like to think I’m no different.
I’d like be writing something important about major world issues or profiling some catastrophic soul. Instead, I’m staring at squiggly red lines on one piece of technology telling me something about another piece of technology is very, very wrong.
Blogs are fun...you'll see!